Work-From-Home Sparked Opportunities to Offshore Back Office Support to the Philippines

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”9783″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]As the world continues to recover from the devastating economic impact and the disruption caused by COVID-19, companies are left with a small window of possibilities to keep their workforce intact.  Many foresee that furlough is permanent and that there’s no turning back on business owners’ decisions.

The quandary is how do businesses continue to operate with minimal staff where work still needs to get accomplished.  Business owners have reached out to their peers hoping that someone may have a magic pill to take the pain away.  One major solution is to reveal the surmountable new opportunities that some business owners have implemented (and benefited) in their organization which is to offshore their back office support to the Philippines.  This strategy positively influenced their operational costs effectively and efficiently.

Despite the destruction caused by the pandemic,  it also sparked  a breakthrough in offshoring.  C-Level executives realized that if most of their employees can Work-From-Home, this means that daily tasks can be performed remotely without necessarily having a ‘physical warm body’ at the local office or site.  If this can be done at a home in Los Angeles, a park in surburan Illinois, outdoor coffee shop in downtown New York, and other places in the continents of North America or Europe, why not perform the offshore back office support to the Philippines?

One (or more) may argue that offshoring work to the Philippines steals the jobs from the workforce in the United States and European countries.  However, if we don’t take every opportunity to reduce labor costs after the economic recession as much as we can (if we can), then companies will have much greater problems.  If there are less sales generated yet more expenses to pay, cash reserves and savings (if any) will deplete.  With less to zero cash, businesses will close permanently which results to more unemployment.

Offshoring back-office presents an opportunity for small businesses to get back on their feet after taking a strong punch from COVID. We can’t allow businesses to fail if there are solutions such as outsourcing labor to the Philippines can be obtained[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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