The Foundation of Successful Outsourcing Implementation

It’s not always easy welcoming outsiders to the team, especially on a project-term basis. But to keep up with industry demands, outsourcing may present more benefits than challenges. The key is in the proper implementation of an outsourcing project. And it begins with setting a strong foundation. In this post, American-owned outsourcing company, MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services, shares some insights that could guarantee a successful outsourcing implementation.

Company-wide strategic review

The most common reason for outsourcing is when a company needs to fulfill a particular function outside its expertise. Relatedly, the second reason is also that it is more cost-effective to outsource than to train and maintain in-house staff to perform such functions. 

But is your company truly ready for outsourcing implementation? Fulfilling the two reasons above isn’t enough. Since you’ll be sharing information with an external party, you need to have a shared platform where the outsourcing parties can access the information they need to fulfill their jobs without relying on your in-house personnel 24/7. At the same time, this platform should also protect your proprietary information. 

The success of outsourcing implementation also depends on your company culture. Business silos will prevent collaborative work from happening between the outsourcing company and your in-house team. Take a look at how your own people work before opening it up to others.

, The Foundation of Successful Outsourcing Implementation

Department needs assessment

If you have gotten to this part, that means your company is ready to adopt outsourcing. Congratulations! It’s time to decide what to outsource. 

The needs assessment should be done simultaneously with the strategic review since the senior management should agree with the department on what needs to be outsourced. 

Whatever these needs are, it should answer the question “What lower-value tasks should be outsourced so the core team can focus on high-value tasks?” Guided by this question, let the team list these down and deliberate what goes to the job description of the outsourced team. 

Outsourcing firm assessment

Different companies have their own system of procuring, evaluating, and contracting their vendors. But don’t forget to thoroughly research the reputation of the outsourcing firm. Your research work should be able to answer what industries they specialize in and what markets they cater to. Do they have top-notch bookkeepers? Do they specialize in the English-speaking market? Of course, you may want to take a look at their track record in outsourcing implementation. Take a second look if they have a record of security and privacy mishaps with their clients.

Project management – the ACTUAL outsourcing implementation

Remember the two main pillars of success: the WHAT and the HOW of outsourcing work. The WHAT relies on your key performance indicators and your deliverables. These have to be set as early as the negotiation stages of your chosen outsourcing firm. 

The HOW is your ways of working and communication. It must be clear who their point person from your company is and the frequency of your alignment meetings. Regular feedback is critical in delivering a stellar performance. 

You want your outsourced team to feel that they are part of the team without micromanaging them. Open communication must sound like a cliche, but it is for a good reason – this is where successful outsourcing implementation begins. Provided, of course, that you took the first three steps seriously. Is your company ready for it? If you are, book a call now and let us know what our outsourcing professionals can help you with and how. 

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