MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (February 2024)

MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (February 2024)

Welcome to another edition of MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News! This is a monthly column featuring editorials, updates, and other content from the MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services’ leadership team. This column aims to give our clients, employees, and followers a closer look at what happens in and out of the MCVO office, and what our leaders and teams are up to! Enjoy reading!


Reflections From Graphika Manila 2024


Brushstrokes of Growth: Navigating My Artistic Journey

By: Jericho “Jeh” Caberos | Lead QA Specialist |


Entering the world of art is a vast and dynamic landscape that encourages creatives to explore the depths of their imagination. Stepping onto this canvas, artists embark on a journey filled with exhilarating highs and daunting challenges.

Every artist starts with a blank canvas. In the beginning, the possibilities seem endless, and the excitement of creation is overwhelming. The initial challenge lies in finding one’s unique style and identity to become different in your craft.

, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (February 2024)

As artists begin to weave their narratives into their artworks, they must navigate the landscape of criticism. Art, by its nature, is subjective, and opinions can vary widely. Constructive critiques and subjective opinions become an art form in itself. Understanding that criticism is not a roadblock but rather a brushstroke that adds depth to our canvas for artistic growth.

Graphika Manila emphasized the importance of embracing the uncertainty of experimentation, urging us to explore and evolve into better versions of ourselves. This was highlighted as an essential aspect of our artistic journey, encouraging growth and pushing the boundaries of our creative potential.



Rekindling a Passion

By: Neri Escaño | Video Editing Team Lead |


, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (February 2024)

“It’s been months since I’ve drawn again; WIPs for my essays are piling up, and photographs that I should have taken never saw the light of day.

It only occurred to me to continue and tend to my art when MCVO gave me a chance to join Graphika Manila 2024 this year.

I was also lucky to be one of the contributors for their Artbook, which further fueled my drive to continue my passion projects.

Having a passion project outside of work is a must as a creative, and MCVO ensures that those passions never wither-out with the perks they provide.”

— Neri Escaño, Video Editing Team Lead


, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (February 2024)

, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (February 2024)



That’s it for this month’s MCVOLT-IN! We hope you enjoyed this edition, and we look forward to sharing more with you next month!

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