Creating A Remote 2nd Shift Makes Good Business Sense

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What are the things to Consider for a Remote 2nd Shift Makes Good Business Sense? [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”7209″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]

If you’ve ever thought about… how nice it would be to have someone come in after your work day ended and finish all the work that’s still pending… then subconsciously you’ve been thinking about outsourcing!  Many companies are hiring offshore staff to “finish the day’s work”.   We’re seeing this mostly in 2 areas:

  1. Accounting/Finance: outsourcing is a great way to improve velocity on repetitive monthly tasks like reconciliations and financial statements, and to create spread sheets for new projects.
  2. Order Management/Order Entry:  to complete orders that come in after hours so that they can worked on as soon as the next day starts.    When a US business closes at 5:00 PM, the business day is just starting in the Philippines which makes it the perfect location for your outsourced job.

Amazon and other delivery services have redefined “just in time” shipments.  This has created more pressure for small companies to deliver faster in order to remain competitive.   Creating a 2nd shift to help process orders and enter data can help reduce your turnaround time dramatically.  For departments with multiple employees (like Accounting, Order Processing and Marketing), we’re seeing them move 20-30% of their talent off-shore to ensure work is getting done 16 hours a day rather than just 8.    This not only keeps orders moving, but allows the US team to hit the ground running when they start their day, as much of the work has already been done!

The remote 2nd shift is ideal for businesses like distributors, manufacturers, service providers, printers, delivery companies, online fulfillers and businesses that want to spoil their clients with fast service ☺️ .   Creating a remote 2nd shift can start with just one remote position with an average “all-in” cost of just 20-22K annually*.

Here’s how the work week changed for a Chicago based CFO:  “I’m often working on projects with clients on the West Coast who like to schedule meetings late in the day.   Since I’m eager to get started on projects after our calls, I would typically spend 3-4 hours after dinner crunching numbers just so I could get the project started.   This all changed when we hired an offshore Senior Accountant from MCVO.   Before I leave the office, I send her instructions on what to do, and then when I turn my computer back on in the morning, it’s done!   This has reduced about 20 hours from my work week (making me a better husband and father), and allows me to focus on the analysis of the data, and not the creation of the spread sheet.   With an annual investment of less than 25K for our BPO in the Philippines, this has allowed our company to close many more deals, delivering an incredible ROI”.


*with US employees, the “all-in” cost is typically 20-25% more than the cost of the employee’s salary.  This covers the taxes, health insurance, workman’s comp, retirement and other benefits  etc.    For outsourced employees, all of these costs are covered by MCVO, so hiring an outsourced position for 20K, is like paying less than $10/hour “all-in”.


Companies are offshoring and outsourcing to improve their efficiencies by working with BPO companies in the Philippines.

Tags :
bpo companies,business process outsourcing companies,business process outsourcing Philippines,Digital outsource services,offshore outsourcing Philippines,outsource services,outsourced bpo,outsourced Philippines,outsourcing company,outsourcing in Philippines,outsourcing jobs,outsourcing jobs in the philippines,outsourcing services,small bpo companies in Philippines
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