Business Consultative Approach is MCVO’s Unique Selling Proposition As Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Company

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Each year, in the late fall, our Management Team capitalizes on business planning for the following year.  Reflecting on our past successes and shortcomings is the best way to create a solid plan to grow our business process outsourcing (BPO) company.

There are many tools that companies use to prepare for their year-end strategic planning.  At MCVO,  we use the ‘tried and true’ One Page Plan format.  Department heads share their respective Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies and Action Plans.  Amongst all the departments, our Operations Department’s Vision stands out the most which emanates MCVO Talent Resource Services’ existence.

The vision states:

In 2020 and the next 3 years, Operations Department will support MCVO to be the best business process outsourcing (BPO) company in the Philippines that truly understands our clients’ businesses.  We will have a consultative approach rather than function as a facility that “houses employees”.  We will learn each client’s expectations and help them grow their business through its employees’ quality of work, efficiency and reliability.

With any new products or services companies sell in the market, it’s a vital process to distinguish what makes you stand out from the rest.

When my business partner, Mark Zucker, and I initially thought to start our own outsourcing company, we were challenged with 2 important questions:  What makes us different from the hundred plus offshore companies across the Philippines?  What is our unique selling proposition?

So we assessed our similarities and differences (but, in a good way):

  1. Mark is a serial entrepreneur, and a “business junkie”.   I am an “operational Rambo” (his words) with extensive knowledge in business administration.  We are a good balance.
  2. He is American born where most of our clients are based, while I am Filipino born and was strongly raised in the culture. MCVO is a company that embraces the best of both American and Filipino work ethics.
  3. We have a great symmetry in business management skills.
  4. We cover each other’s blind spots.

With our combined 50+ years of business ownership/management experience, we are quick to understand our clients’ industries and operations.

We then engaged with Zookbinders, a U.S. based company owned by Mark, as MCVO’s first outsource client.  It gave us a platform to try the outsourcing model of Zookbinders’ back office support from the Philippines.  Living through it presents a ‘proof of concept’ which helped us formulate the ‘pros and cons’ of outsourcing.  After one year under our belt, we introduced MCVO Talent Resource Services to other clients in the US and UK.

So what is MCVO’s unique selling proposition?   We developed a business consultative approach of partnership with our clients.  We are a vested partner by valuing their organizational structures, functions of each business unit; and, more critically, we support their growth plans.  Our partnership goes beyond just “housing employees”.

With our business consultative approach, each client is managed as a business unit within MCVO.  Their contract employees have internal managers who serve as resources for any personnel or process inquiries and challenges.  Professional Development and Contingency Plans are inclusive within the services we offer.  Contingency Plans or internal back-up plan for our client’s outsourced employees is an exclusive service not offered by any other outsourcing companies throughout the Philippines, perhaps even globally.

Each year, by early winter, after our Management Team completes their internal strategic plans, we have one goal in mind:  To be your only business process outsourcing (BPO) company that provides a business consultative approach to help grow your business and increase profits by lowering labor costs.

Tags :
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