Applicant Red Flags Our Outsourced Recruiters Watch Out For

In one of our previous entries, we explained how outsourcing your recruitment processes is a lucrative move for your business. One of the benefits mentioned is getting better quality hires because outsourced recruiters already have a wealth of experience spotting red flags during the recruitment process. Business process outsourcing services that cater to the needs of different industries handle applicants from all walks of life and professional backgrounds. In today’s blog, we take a look at the common signs outsourced recruiters see in an applicant not fit for the job. 

outsourced recruiters, Applicant Red Flags Our Outsourced Recruiters Watch Out For

Applicant Red Flags Our Outsourced Recruiters Watch Out For

Wrong Impression of the Job

If the job post is for a front desk officer but the applicant keeps harping about virtual assistant duties to a c-suite executive during the interview, there may be a mismatch in interest and skill set here. Both jobs entail service but for different audiences. The recruiter doesn’t have to reject the applicant outright, but it surely warrants an explicit clarification. The preference should probably tilt to other applicants that understand the job requirements.

Doesn’t Ask Questions

The best job interviews flow like a conversation because it’s also an opportunity for the applicant to show interest in their future role, team, and organization. A candidate that keeps mum throughout the whole interview isn’t interested or didn’t prepare well enough for the interview. Good applicants should also be actively gauging if the prospective employer is also a good fit for them.

Asks the Wrong Questions

Outsourced recruiters appreciate candid applicants but when they fixate on benefits, perks, and rewards, recruiters should start having second thoughts. The employment agreement should be a mutually beneficial relationship so the applicant should exercise prudence in asking these questions. They must establish what value they can bring to the company first.

Tardiness and Sloppiness

These probably shouldn’t have to be mentioned anymore since these are basic foundations to a solid work ethic. But these foundations are usually compromised when recruitment targets are high, and time-bound. Professional outsourced recruiters still pay attention to punctuality, appearance, and other small details that reflect professionalism. There’s no use in hiring just to meet recruitment targets if the new recruits can’t deliver.

Complaining about previous employers

An applicant that openly complains or gossips about their previous employers will most likely do the same to their next employer. There is no such thing as a perfect employer or employee. Even if they have valid negative feedback about previous employers, they should settle or handle it accordingly and not take it to their next employer. How they dealt with difficult employers should be a preview of how they will handle difficult situations.

Lack of Ownership for Experiences

These experiences go both ways – positive and negative. You want an applicant who has a firm grasp of their contribution to success and owns what they can offer to your company. An applicant that refuses to acknowledge their shortcomings in a failed endeavor will probably cower in the face of failure and pass on the responsibility to colleagues or worse, clients or external partners.

Tap outsourced recruiters with wisdom in spotting red flags

These red flags don’t always manifest explicitly. It takes a wealth of experience to build sound judgment in selecting the ideal candidate. MCVO Talent has a team of veteran talent acquisition professionals who don’t just have the experience and training in recruitment, but also in handling the technical requirements as well. If you want to save time and money in this aspect, book a call with us to get started in working with our outsourced recruiters. 

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