Outsourced Bookkeepers: What Digital Skills Must They Have?

Embracing digitalization is no longer a matter of “if”, but “when”? All outsourced bookkeepers trained in the latest and top-rated accounting software and tools used globally know this. The Association of Chartered Certified Accounts identified digital quotient as one of the top skills needed to stay relevant in the industry. In 2016, ACCA did a survey where 89% of the respondents considered digital skills necessary or very necessary in the industry. The survey delved deeper into specific skills and areas of technology (e.g. blockchain, artificial intelligence) but let’s take a broader look at the main digital skills bookkeepers should master. 

outsourced bookkeepers, Outsourced Bookkeepers: What Digital Skills Must They Have?

Digital Skills Outsourced Bookkeepers Should Have

Automation Tools

Automating mechanical and routine tasks will improve efficiency, reduce errors, and consequently bring down costs in operations. This will give bookkeepers more time to focus on complex work that requires critical thinking. These tasks can be as simple as scheduling appointments, sending routine updates, assigning tasks to team members, and generating basic data. Bookkeepers should master these tools to streamline their tasks. 

Accounting Software

Bookkeepers who don’t use accounting software are probably rare nowadays because reputable software speeds up and simplifies processes and reduces inaccuracies. Tracking your accounts payable, recording payments, and reconciling transactions are just a few of the many things that your accounting software can take on.

Accounting software also makes teamwork easier, especially if they are cloud-based. A team can work together harmoniously through this even if they are not in the same location. Though accounting software should make life easier for bookkeepers, they should master using it and conquer the learning curve. 

Communications Platforms 

The industry uses a handful of messaging and conferencing platforms these days. Preferences may vary from one team to another. Even within an organization, teams inside have different preferences. It should be second nature to an outsourced bookkeeper to adapt to these apps, appreciate its security features, and seamlessly communicate with colleagues through these platforms. 

Future-proofing the industry’s best outsourced bookkeepers

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, applications and software will be upgraded or even be phased out eventually. That’s why it’s a must for the bookkeeper of this age to develop a digital mindset that adjusts with the times and comes up with creative solutions with the latest technology available. They must also see digital technology as an ally, not a threat or burden. 

MCVO Talent is an outsourcing company in the Philippines that boasts of outsourced bookkeepers who are veterans in handling a wide range of accounting services using major accounting software platforms for bookkeeping services like Quick Books, NetSuite, Sage, and Peachtree. Give us a call if you want to get to know our experienced, skilled, and digitally savvy team. 

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