Reasons Not to Hire Freelancers: Why You Should Work With a BPO Company

It is not uncommon for enterprises to outsource some office functions. They certainly help free up time for you to concentrate on the core functions of your business. But with individual consultants and companies offering their services left and right, it’s important to be informed of reasons not to hire freelancers for some of your tasks.

Budget and cost-efficiency will always be a concern for businesses.  But before you scout for service deals, take a step back and thoroughly assess the services you outsource. Should you let an individual consultant do it, or a company with a roster of full-time personnel? In today’s blog, leading business process outsourcing company, MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services, shares the top reasons not to hire freelancers and choose to work with a BPO company instead.

reasons not to hire freelancers, Reasons Not to Hire Freelancers: Why You Should Work With a BPO Company

Security is one of the most important reasons not to hire freelancers

Data security is a major area of concern for companies nowadays, and it will likely be the case in the coming years as remote work will likely be a norm and cybercriminals will exploit the current setup.

Hackers also update their bag of tricks and in some cases, they can even outsmart the most sophisticated cybersecurity technologies.  There are many complex elements that go into the design of a responsive, sophisticated cybersecurity program that will need 24/7 active monitoring – something that an individual freelancer may find difficult to do. These things are better handled by a business process outsourcing services company that has a team of experienced systems and network administrators constantly watching out for security threats and breaches.

Technology will not be an issue with a BPO company

Most freelancers will likely rely on a residential internet connection to work remotely. Some of them could have certain applications but not the cloud servers and applications to reduce work disruption.

Full-fledged business process outsourcing services can provide you with robust data backup and recovery plans to beef up your defenses and ensure continuity in operations, even when certain external factors threaten to disrupt workflow.

BPO companies ensure consistency and productivity

Individual freelancers are accountable to no one but themselves. The last thing you want to endure is a horror story of a trusted contractor suddenly disappearing, leaving you without contingency plans.

BPO companies, on the other hand, have an accountability system in place for their employees. The company will take care of the contingency plans if anything goes wrong. Companies also have enough resources to ensure that you are well-staffed and supported and that the team they deploy is performing at its best.

Don’t just look at the cost!

Tapping individual consultants may seem costly at first but when your needs rely heavily on strong cybersecurity measures, the latest technology, and unfailing consistency, an outsourcing company that can understand the business landscape of the US, UK, Canada, and Australia may be the answer to your problem. If the reasons not to hire freelancers are clear enough, get in a call with MCVO to meet your fully-vetted dream outsourcing team.

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