Outsourcing Trends for 2022 to Adopt for Your Business

As cliche as it sounds, the only normal thing about 2020 and 2021 is change. Organizations in all levels have had to pivot because of this. 2022 may or may not make a difference to the status quo now but it’s important to take note of these outsourcing trends that can potentially impact your business. 

In today’s blog, award-winning American-owned BPO company, MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services, shares the outsourcing trends for 2022 you need to watch out for and adopt.

outsourcing trends for 2022, Outsourcing Trends for 2022 to Adopt for Your Business

Increasing efficiency while working remotely 

The past two years have opened up flexible arrangements for workers, a welcome arrangement for those seeking work-life integration. Productivity, however, has gone on overdrive. Modern day equipment has been helpful in keeping up with a fast-paced work force but this has to be accompanied with constantly available IT support. 

Outsourcing your IT help desk will be a cost-effective way to tap extra IT support because you can tailor your contract according to your specific needs. Your team will also benefit from the extra support beyond office hours

Another efficiency driver that will be more prominent in the business landscape is the automation of repetitive processes through customizable software. The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is predicted to grow to USD billion from the current USD 2 billion in the next five years. You can outsource software development for your own company to cut costs without compromising the quality of talent that develops your software. 

Emphasis on cybersecurity 

Remote working has benefitted many members of the work force a great deal but adds an extra layer of complexity from the cybersecurity perspective. For one, employees may have to login from other devices because of unforeseen circumstances even if the office issues a dedicated set of gadgets to use only for official purposes. Investing in the best cybersecurity tools and a highly responsive IT help desk team secures remote working conditions. With an outsourced staff for IT support, you can ensure that security threats are mitigated as soon as it is detected.

Changing employee experience

Gone are the traditional 9-to-5 full-time employment arrangements. With shifting and unpredictable needs, organizations will shift to contractual arrangements to allow easy reorganization. Expect organizations to tap freelancers more than in the past years.

Your human resources team needs to understand this new talent acquisition landscape to get you the best person for the job you need done.One of the more popular outsourcing trends is tapping a third-party personnel who can screen, interview, and facilitate hiring requirements. Outsourced HR personnel, trained professionals who know the ins-and-outs of recruitment, will help you save time and money in this department.

Are you ready to grow your business? Adopt these outsourcing trends for 2022 with our help!

Progress is only possible when you keep your feet and ears to the ground. When you understand the nature of today’s business trends, you will know which outsourcing trends suit your business. 

If you see potential in the trends above, book a call with MCVO Talent Outsourcing to discuss your ways forward. MCVO has trained its staff to not only adapt outsourcing trends, but also to contextualize these according to their own markets – US, UK, and Australia. 

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