How Outsourcing Photo Editing Can Up Your Visual Content Marketing Game

Outsourcing photo editing requirements will give you an upper hand in your marketing efforts, especially on social media. You need not look far for evidence on how visual content marketing is integral to your business strategy. In this State of Social 2019 report, image and video ranked first on what content producers consider the most important. Among the platforms, Instagram – an image and video sharing social media platform – ranked first on the most effective platform for influencer campaigns.

outsourcing photo editing, How Outsourcing Photo Editing Can Up Your Visual Content Marketing Game

People are visual learners

More than half (65%) of our population are visual learners, according to a study by William Bradford entitled Reaching the Visual Learner: Teaching Property Through Art. People process visuals faster than text, so it makes sense to incorporate more imagery in your promotional materials to communicate your messages effectively. People multitask notoriously nowadays, so you need competitive and compelling content to be their top-of-mind.

Photo editing enhances your brand image and ensures that your collaterals are consistent with your brand guidelines. Outsourcing photo editing to a well-experienced team that has worked with multiple brands will help control your brand identity while still aligning it with your audience’s taste.

Interactive content is a major bonus

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a meme is worth a million nowadays. Whatever people cannot express in simple words, they can do it with memes. It would be worth a billion if you can turn it into a GIF. When outsourcing photo editing, you can discuss this with the team. For videos, live streaming is all the rage now, especially if you can respond to comments in the thread as they come in.

Interactive content requires special editing skills, but it is surely worth the effort since it can help you rack up 4-5x more page views.

Encourage user-generated content

Visual marketing rose to popularity along with image and video sharing site Flickr and social media network Facebook in 2004. Camera phones were also starting to gain popularity then, even if the quality of their photos wasn’t as good as it is now.

You should take advantage of the democratic access to social media sites and image/video capturing devices, and let users express themselves using your product or service.  This facilitates interaction and adds to your brand following. A little photo editing, a uniform but customizable layout, and some brand guidelines will guide your users to capture your brand’s look and feel.

Outsourcing Photo Editing Will Go A Long Way

Audiences want content that they can easily understand and interact with. Our full-time photo editors at MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services can take off post-production work from your plate, match your brand style, and keep your audiences engaged. They have a breadth in English-speaking markets as well as across industries. Schedule a call now to find out how outsourcing photo editing can boost your visual content marketing game.

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