Outsourcing Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

The benefits of outsourcing to the Philippines are no longer a secret. Working with top BPO companies, especially, can give the best bang for your buck. However, there are still outsourcing myths and misconceptions that keep businesses from considering it for their enterprise. One of the leading BPO companies in the Philippines, MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services, shares some of these myths and we’ll try to debunk them for you.

outsourcing myths, Outsourcing Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

Most Common Outsourcing Myths and Misconceptions

1. Outsourcing is simply another term for offshoring.

While offshore outsourcing is a real thing, outsourcing and offshoring are two different business concepts. They can, however, work together.

Outsourcing is the practice of hiring a third-party provider such as a BPO company to perform some of a company’s tasks or complete their projects. For instance, you can outsource your customer service, accounting, data entry, medical billing, and other back-end processes to another provider.

Meanwhile, offshoring is the process of moving business processes overseas. An example would be a U.S. company having a satellite office in the Philippines.

These two are similar in such a way that they are done to ensure business efficiency and continuity while a company grows. Outsourcing and offshoring both also help businesses save on costs.

Now, you can do offshore outsourcing wherein you work with a BPO company outside of your country. Currently, the Philippines is one of the top outsourcing destinations.

2. You will have less control when you outsource tasks and projects.

This could happen to you IF you are unfortunate enough to find and hire an unscrupulous company that does not value your business. When you work with a BPO company that offers custom outsourced solutions, they will try to find out your pain points and come up with the best packages for you. Then, you can request to have more say on the processes, reviews, and approvals.

3. BPO companies turn in low-quality output.

Again, this is only a possibility if you don’t find the best outsourcing company to handle your requirements. It’s important to check out client reviews and testimonials to know if they are recommended by businesses. It will also help to verify their track record.

MCVO Talent Offers Reliable Outsourcing Services for Your Peace of Mind

If you need outsourcing services that will make you forget about outsourcing myths and misconceptions, get in touch with MCVO! Let’s discuss what kind of outsourcing help you need. Book a call today!

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