How Outsourced IT Support Alleviates Common Remote Working Pain Points

Remote working had already been institutionalized as early as the 2000s, through the way before the COVID-19 pandemic. The advancement of technology and tools that enable smooth remote working experience, paved the gradual but noticeable rise of the trend. Now that public safety requires a remote working arrangement, the workplace will never look the same. Moreover, the case for outsourced IT support will just keep getting stronger. 

Technology is the backbone of remote working, and a functioning IT support keeps this backbone strong. Here are three ways an outsourced IT support will be an asset to your remote enterprise. 

outsourced IT support, How Outsourced IT Support Alleviates Common Remote Working Pain Points

Troubleshooting technical problems 24/7

Technology must enhance your employees’ performance, not hamper it. An outsourced IT team available 24/7 will ensure that the technology is robust enough for your business needs. This will also give your employees peace of mind, knowing that they have experts they can approach to troubleshoot technical issues. 

While embracing technology should not even be a matter of debate in this day and age, some employees will need an extra hand in dealing with cloud and maneuvering security protocols. Leaving non-IT employees on their own to deal with their tools will eat up their precious time better spent on their actual functions. 

Only certified outsourced IT support can address security issues

Cyberterrorists have more entry points now that employees are connecting with each other from different, remote locations. Needless to say, companies should pay extra attention to safety mechanisms and protocols to protect their data and employees. 

A study conducted by Sungard AS showed that employees consider the following as essentials to a successful remote working setup: 

  • Security software for work devices (79%)
  • User-friendly file-sharing system (76%) 
  • IT support (71.5%)
  • High-speed internet connection (60%) 

A remote IT oversight team will mitigate threats and help employees comply with zero-trust, network segregation, and other security policies. 

Your team has more time for their own work

Even if you have an in-house IT team, much of their time will be eaten up addressing employee concerns instead of working on technology that will expand your business if you rely solely on them for IT support. Outsourcing services like an IT help desk will let you adjust the number of people working on IT support, depending on the organization’s needs at a given time (e.g. if you are introducing new software office-wide). 

MCVO can assemble your dream IT support team for you

MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services has well-trained and experienced IT help desk professionals who can address your team’s needs even beyond standard business hours if you are from the US, UK, or Australia. They are also adept in operating ticketing software to provide accurate technical support. Book a call now to meet the right outsourced IT support team for your business. 


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