Outsource Telemarketing Services: Telemarketing vs. Teleprospecting

Telemarketing and teleprospecting are two different functions, although they have overlapping characteristics. Teleprospecting is normally offered as a package to telemarketing services. Before you outsource telemarketing, it is important to understand the nuances between telemarketing and teleprospecting to get the maximum benefits of both. 

Outsource telemarketing to supercharge leads

Telemarketers have two main jobs – updating the leads database and obtaining information about potential customers. These can be done through scripted phone calls or emails.

Businesses usually have a blanket approach to telemarketing because the goal is volume-based. Telemarketers are supposed to cast their nets wide and generate as many leads as they can. Telemarketing is common to, although not limited to, business-to-customer (B2C) enterprises. 

Telemarketing is a commonly misused term that even telemarketers are mistaken as customer service representatives. Customer service representatives take care of customer satisfaction and address concerns that may arise when the customer uses the product or service. A telemarketer’s job does not expand to that scope. They simply look for live sales prospects. Your telemarketers only need to speak clearly, memorize a script and have a basic understanding of your product or service to do their jobs well. Having said that, experience does not necessarily matter when outsourcing telemarketers. 

Outsource Telemarketing Services, Outsource Telemarketing Services: Telemarketing vs. Teleprospecting

Successful teleprospecting requires experience

Teleprospecting is another story, as they take to another level what telemarketers do. Teleprospectors engage the leads that telemarketers generate. It is their job to align the company’s product or service to the prospects needs to be able to close in a sale. 

Achieving this takes more than one phone call or email, and is definitely not achievable by merely following a script that telemarketers usually do. Teleprospecting nurtures long-term relationships. Teleprospecting professionals need to have deep knowledge of the product or service they are offering, especially because they usually talk to decision-makers. 

Teleprospecting is more common in business-to-business (B2B) enterprises. Also, this more complex job should be handled by more experienced sales or marketing professionals. 

Telemarketing and teleprospecting complement each other

You will encounter teleprospecting services when you outsource telemarketing because these two are similar (and even complimentary) services. What is important is that you choose services that respond to the needs of your businesses.

Whether you need telemarketing or teleprospecting, MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services can enhance your existing marketing efforts. It has a dedicated team of telemarketers you can outsource telemarketing efforts to and increase your leads. Among other outsourcing services is a separate teleprospecting team that will establish meaningful connections with potential clients. MCVO’s team has an in-depth knowledge of the US and UK markets, so you can be assured that their strategies are well-researched and acceptable industry-wide. Book a call to find out which one your company needs. 


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