MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (March 2024)

MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (March 2024)

Welcome to another edition of MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News! This is a monthly column featuring editorials, updates, and other content from the MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services’ leadership team. This column aims to give our clients, employees, and followers a closer look at what happens in and out of the MCVO office, and what our leaders and teams are up to! Enjoy reading!



Face-to-Face and Virtual Team Gatherings

Contributions: Neri Escaño | Video Editing Team Lead | and Allen Villaflor | Photo Editing Manager |


The COVID-19 pandemic paved the way for the wider adoption of remote and hybrid work. While this has allowed companies to reach a wider pool of talents and helped ensure that our employees are able to work from home safely and conveniently, it also meant that our teams don’t always meet and work together face-to-face. But here at MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services, Leaders are given the opportunity to gather their teams around for quarterly gatherings — whether face-to-face or virtual!

Check out this cool video from our Video Editing Department’s first team out-of-town escapade for the year! (Yes, the team’s looking forward to more!)



“One of the goals of MCVO is to have employees embrace its culture within each department that comprises the whole company, fostering a like-minded team. Solidifying teamwork during the Video Editing Team’s out-of-town activity is one of the many steps that MCVO is taking to achieve that goal.”

— Neri Escaño, Video Editing Team Lead


Leadership Team Insight, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (March 2024)
MCVO Photo Editing Team Q1 2024 Lunchout

At MCVO, we take the family culture to the next level, and we encourage our employees to tag their kids along during lunchouts!



That’s it for this month’s MCVOLT-IN! We hope you enjoyed this edition, and we look forward to sharing more with you next month!

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