Employee Relations Trends That HR Outsourcing Experts Wish You Knew

Your human resource (HR) needs will grow with your business. It is essential to streamline your HR functions to ensure that you attract and retain the ideal talents for your company. HR outsourcing is one of the proven and efficient ways to do this without eating up your time meant for other business functions. Delegating the HR tasks will save you time and cost. 

Retaining valuable talent is more challenging these days because workers are faced with more opportunities and different modes (e.g. full-time, part-time, freelance) of working. If you are going to outsource your employee relations, these are the three things they should know in crafting employee relations and retention plan. 

HR outsourcing, Employee Relations Trends That HR Outsourcing Experts Wish You Knew

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DE&I) in the front and center

DEI also goes by other names – Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) or Equality and Inclusion (E&I). Whatever it is called, it cannot be denied that DE&I in the workplace has increasingly grown in importance over the years. 

The Mercer Global Survey revealed that around 7 out of 10 companies reported an increased focus on DEI by the end of 2020. Moreover, DEI is cited in the top 5 changes implemented by companies during the pandemic.

Remote work has made interacting and connecting with co-workers a challenge. Sound DE&I policies promote a safe environment for workers to safely grapple with their unique circumstances in these trying times without fear of compromising their performance. I

Critical thinking skills should be developed 

Modern businesses have been pushed to pivot at a rapid pace, especially now that we are transitioning to a heavily digital world where information comes in from all directions. Employees are also compelled to be agile to adapt to these changes. Without proper training and guidance, they could burnout and leave. 

Change is inevitable and unpredictable in this volatile market. Aside from hard and technical skills, human resources must invest in training that sharpens employees’ critical thinking skills so they can adapt and adjust to rapid changes. 

Demand for certain technical skills will die down when working conditions and technology evolve. Some may even be redundant. HR outsourcing professionals should invest in critical thinking skills that will enable employees to decide when to pivot and will empower them to adapt to changes.

The Great Resignation is real

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that a staggering 4 million workers quit their jobs in July 2021, although this peaked earlier in April. This phenomenon is unsettling considering the economic uncertainty of these times. But the increased workload during the pandemic, particularly for healthcare and IT sectors, as well as the struggles of adjusting to the remote work setup have contributed to the high resignation rates. 

These are only the most common reasons but HR outsourcing professionals should look more closely into the company’s culture to get to the root of the problem. Burnout, for instance, does not look the same in two different companies. Interventions applied should address the unique circumstances of each company to stop the bleeding. 

Are you in need of a dynamic and up-to-date HR outsourcing?

Keeping abreast of the recruitment and employee retention trends will do wonders for your company’s survival and growth, especially if you have remote workers. A business process outsourcing company in the Philippines understands the needs of an ever-changing US market and will surely have a team with a natural flair for handling and understanding human relations. Contact us now and meet our HR outsourcing team, which is guided by US-based executives on Western HR practices.

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