What is an SEO Audit and Why Does Your Website Need It?

In this day and age, having a business website is no longer negotiable. This is why almost every business has one. However, there’s more to having a website than a great website design. You also need good online content. It doesn’t stop there either. Even if you have the best website design and content, they will be for nothing if nobody finds your website. So, you need to have great digital marketing strategies in place. These include search engine optimization (SEO). Now, a lot is involved in SEO and to determine which facets you need to improve, you need an SEO audit. But wait, what is an SEO audit? you may ask.

With today’s blog, leading BPO company in the Philippines, MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services, answers the question “what is an SEO audit” and help you understand why you need it for your website.

what is an seo audit, What is an SEO Audit and Why Does Your Website Need It?

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit is done to evaluate your website’s ability to rank on SERPs or search engine results pages. An SEO specialist performs an SEO audit to check the website’s health. They will use an online tool such as Ahrefs to check the status of backlinks, metadata, keywords, content, and other ranking factors.

Why Do You Need an SEO Audit?

If you want to improve your website’s SERPs ranking, there’s no doubt you need to improve your SEO strategies. However, the first step in ensuring that you establish and perform the right tactics is conducting an SEO audit. The audit will give you the data and metrics you need to identify areas for improvement. As such, you can create and implement better strategies.

When Should You Do an SEO Audit?

For small businesses, it is recommended to do a site audit at least once every six months or twice a year. Meanwhile, for bigger companies with more extensive websites that have a lot of content, quarterly SEO audits are recommended.

Let’s Help You With Your SEO!

One of the outsourcing services we offer is outsourced digital marketing, which covers search engine optimization (SEO). Our experienced SEO specialist in the Philippines can perform a thorough website audit for you and recommend the best course of action to improve its ranking, which can lead to more and better leads. Book a call today and let’s talk about your digital marketing strategy and how we can help improve it!

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