Outsourcing Trends and Best Practices to Keep in Mind This 2021

Offshoring and outsourcing history can be traced back to the 1980s, but these business practices became more commonplace beginning the 1990s. Eventually, it became an essential aspect in almost every industry come the 2000s. The benefits of outsourcing are more pronounced for small businesses that hope to do more for less time and operational cost. As we begin the new year, we want to help businesses make the most of outsourcing even more. So, we’re letting you in on the latest outsourcing trends and best practices to keep in mind this 2021.

Outsourcing trends, Outsourcing Trends and Best Practices to Keep in Mind This 2021

Top Outsourcing Trends 2021

1. Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) will grow

The outsourcing industry will continue to see growth on the KPO side. More businesses will outsource specialized, technical, and high-skill tasks. As more companies were forced to move operations from office to home, more will also recognize the benefits and savings of KPO.

2. Social media will be a primary customer service channel

Practically everyone’s now online. It simply makes sense that customers who want to contact a business — whether to inquire, buy, or complain — will first try reaching out through social media. Alternatively, it’s easier to find customers where they already are. So, it’s a good idea to start investing in strong social media engagement.

3. Outsource staff upskilling

New year, new beginnings. Due to tighter competition, outsourcing companies are motivated to improve services further. Outsource staff upskilling is one of the most effective ways to do that. Small businesses looking to outsource processes will find that investing in outsource staffing this 2021 will yield great results.

Outsourcing Best Practices 2021

1. Set clear-cut goals

When outsourcing, you must define your business needs and goals first. This allows you and the outsourcing company you hire to set clear expectations and objectives.

2. Strengthen relationships and engagement

Maintaining and strengthening the collaboration between in-house and outsourced staff and management can help in creating smoother workflows.

3. Communicate regularly and clearly

Clients and outsourcing providers need to communicate regularly. This allows for better planning and ensuring that deliverables and processes are on track.

Our Outsourcing Services Will Help Drive Growth for Your Business This 2021

Achieve your business goals and New Year’s resolutions with the help of MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services! We always see to it that our team applies the latest trends and best practices in each expertise we offer. Start the year right by booking a call to learn more about our outsourcing solutions!

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