Outsourced Image Data Entry Can Catapult Your Business to Success

Many companies invest in the visual assets of their websites because images and videos have proven to be effective campaign drivers. Visuals capture attention faster than text, after all. But what good is a superbly designed web page without traffic? It may never reach the audience it was intended for. This is where the importance of outsourced image data entry shines. Learn how this crucial component gets your web page the views that it deserves. 

outsourced image data entry, Outsourced Image Data Entry Can Catapult Your Business to Success

Why You Need Outsourced Image Data Entry

Format Matters

Images come in many formats. The most common formats for the web are PNG, JPEG, SVG, and WebP. PNG is best when it comes to quality, but it is also the largest in terms of file size. JPEG is lesser in terms of quality but it offers more flexibility than PNG. WebP comes in an even smaller size. Developers and designers will have to meet in the middle about which format to use to achieve the desired look without compromising the speed at which a page loads. Consistent data entry for images matters in realizing this vision. 

Image data entry ensures that images are compressed if needed before uploading. This job alone is time-consuming by itself, which makes it a task that’s best outsourced. 

Image File Names Help Your Case

Something as simple as a file name can help increase your visibility on the world wide web. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts advise renaming your images using short but descriptive file names to improve your rankings. If you manage a page for recipes, you may want to change the file name of your images to something like “tiramisu-ice cream-recipe.png” instead of “IMG_7021”. Outsourced image data entry teams match image file names to actual content to make them relevant and visible. 

The hosting site needs to function 

Have you ever visited a page that loads fairly fast but fails to show the images? Chances are something went wrong with the hosting. Perhaps there was a typo in the link to the hosting site, or the hosting site itself encountered a problem. Data entry teams check on the functionality of the hosting site and link so that images show up seamlessly.

Trust MCVO outsourced image data entry services to handle your web images

As a leading BPO company in the Philippines, MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services understands that e-commerce websites rely on proper image optimization to reach more customers. MCVO has handled the outsourced image data entry needs of players in the US, Canada, UK, and Australia. The team is adept at maneuvering different system requirements and can efficiently find, tag, and manage images for your web page. Give your web page a chance for increased visibility and book a call with the MCVO team now.

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